Saturday, August 8, 2009

Just Checking In

I know that I haven't been here in a while. I have completely fallen off the weight-loss wagon. I am however, trying to get to the gym. I joined one right across the street from work. I only make it there about once a week with my hectic work schedule, which isn't so good. I am going to commit to at least two times. I just bought 6 sessions with a trainer, so maybe that will help jump start things. Hubby has also fixed up a bike for me and we have been taking 2 hour rides on the weekends, towing the kids in a trailer. The weight is the same.

Work is busy. I am trying to find a new job in the same company where I work. Right now I'm covering my manager's maternity leave and she will be back in November. I did receive one offer and I'm checking it out next week. And I have another interview for a second position on Aug 19. I'm sure something will work out.

The kids are good. Mister starts JK in September. He has been assigned to afternoons and I'm trying to switch it to mornings so it doesn't affect Dolly's schedule. I keep calling the school and nobody is there (figures, it is summer). What irks me about the whole scenario is that my neighbour registered late. I had to tell her to go register and STILL she got her first choice of mornings. Fair? I think not.

We are having a speech-language therapy assessment for Dolly the last week of August. She is doing pretty good but only says a few words at 20 months. Mister was a talker (quite the opposite). We know have a case worker that comes to the house to play with Dolly and will accompany us to hospital/specialist visits for the Albinsim - so that is really helpful.

Hope everyone who is enjoying their summer.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Goodluck with getting a new position! I wouldn't say I've fallen off I'm just not losing anymore, food, exercise, work, time with kids just doesn't get all in in one day. I just keep working at it.

Not fair on the JK thing I say :(.

Not sure on Dolly's speach, A only said about 5 words at 24mths and no problems now. Totally different than E who is talking up a storm at 20mths.